Federal Projects
Correctional Complex Expansion Building E Bledsoe County Correctional Complex
​Location: Pikeville, TN.
Brief: Demolition and addition of a detention facility, and Renovations to the existing Building E, modifying vocational program spaces currently being utilized as inmate intake functions into a more permanent intake facility.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

X045 Humidity System Dehumidifier System NWS Seal Beach
Location: Fallbrook, CA.
Brief: Installation of a humidity System Dehumidifier System in Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity list Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Narrative Report - Cost Loading - Monthly Updates.
FC285 CAL-LAB HVAC Repairs
Location: Camp Lejeune, NC.
Brief: HVAC repairs and, renovation of a laboratory facility in Camp Lejeune.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity list Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Narrative Report - Monthly Updates.

LMRWS Winding Woods Reach Water Line
Location: North Charleston, SC.
Brief: Constructing over 45 miles of water transmission lines to provide clean drinking water, enhanced fire suppression and economic growth.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
Everglades National Park NP SER PMS FY22
​Location: Homestead, FL.
Brief: Site work for a road/highway; and for paving for a road/highway.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

Relocate the Electrical Feeder for Physical Security Compliance
​Location: Martinsburg, WV.
Brief: Relocation of electrical feeder, and installation of two (2) new electrical duct banks and a 12,470-volt service to separate the main electrical distribution feeders at the VAMC.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Time Impact Analysis (TIA) - Monthly updates.
Pavement Preservation Southern Utah & Pavement Preservation Great Basin
​Location: Southern Utah.
Brief: Maintenance, Paving/Reconstruction, Site Development Construction
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.