Water and Sewer

Snapper Creek Pump Station
Location: Miami, FL.
Brief: Installation of 1.1 km of DN300 PVC sewer rising main through a semi-marine environment and 1.2 km of DN225 trunk gravity sewer main, including the construction of 17 sewer manholes and a 2.4 m diameter structure.
Scope of Work: CPM - Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly Updates.
Trout Rearing Facility Raceway Replacement​
Location: Gatlinburg, TN
Brief: site work for a water/sewer facility and a road/highway.
Scope of Work: BIM - CPM Baseline Schedule - Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft - Monthly updates.

Ford Street Utility Relocation
Location: Shreveport LA.
Brief: Installation and tie-in of a 10-inch diameter water main along Ford Street (LA 173) in Shreveport LA, between Hartman Street and Pine Street.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
Milepost 92 Pump Station Repairs
Location: Woodbridge, NJ.
Brief: Renovation of a water/sewer project. which involves the replacement of the major components of the existing stormwater pump station system with modern versions of natural gas-fired engines and vertical drive pumps, enhances controls and communications to the pumps, and makes a variety of improvements to the supporting systems and physical state of the building and site at Milepost 92.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

Murrieta Road Booster Station -EMWD
Location: Perris, CA.
Brief: Renovation and paving of a water/sewer.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
Northwest Austin Booster Stations Improvements
Location: Austin, TX.
Brief: Site work and renovation of a water/sewer project. This project includes various piping, mechanical, site, and electrical improvements to three (3) Austin Water Pump Stations.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule.

Scholl Canyon Landfill Geosynthetic Clay Liner Final Cover Phase I
Location: Glendale, CA.
Brief: Installation of a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) final cover system, including soil excavation, grading, soil placement, installation of drainage geocomposite with piping, and installation of polyethylene barrier for a municipal facility.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Cost Loaded Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

Sutter Bypass -DWR - Pumping Plants Removal and Rehabilitation
Location: Sacramento, CA.
Brief: Renovation of a water/sewer project which includes the following Principal features: 1. Demolish and dispose of existing reinforced concrete, steel Columns, miscellaneous metal, concrete lining, and fencing. 2. Removal and handling of potentially hazardous materials. 3. Sawcut existing structural concrete and concrete lining. 4. Dewatering. 5. Temporary sheet piles. 6. Gate structure inspection and reconnaissance. 7. Earthwork:
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
Sewer Force Main at G Street Pump Station & G Street Pump Station Upgrade
Location: Chula Vista, CA.
Brief: Renovation of a water/sewer project. SWR0275: Installation of two parallel 16-inch OD (12.33-inch ID) sewer force main pipelines from the G St Sewer Lift Station to MH 3169 on G St. See Part II for full scope of work. SWR0309: Rehabilitation of the existing G St Sewer Pump Station.
Scope of Work: BIM -CPM - Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly Updates.

Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant Dilute Polymer System Improvements
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Brief: Renovation of a water/sewer project. The project will be constructed at the HWRP, The polymer blending units will be replaced in the Biosolids Dewatering Facility and new units will be installed at the Chemical Storage Facility within the Plant. Scope includes replacement of tanks, pumps, blending units, piping, and appurtenances.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

Tamarind & Industry Pump Station Improvements
Location: Fontana, CA.
Brief: Site work, and renovation of the water/sewer facility, The project consists of rehabilitating the existing Tamarind and Industry sanitary sewer pump station. Work includes removing existing electrical equipment, pumps, piping, fences, concrete, asphalt, top slabs, wet well liner, and building, pipe abandonment, and installation of new pumps.
Scope of Work: BIM - CPM - Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
Trevarno Road Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvements
Location: Livermore, CA.
Brief: site work for a water / sewer project in Livermoreconsists of the installation of new sanitary sewer and potable water mains and services/meters,
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

Highway Village Strengthen & Replace Water Mains in Modesto.
Location: Modesto, CA.
Brief: Site work and paving for a civil project in Modesto.
This project will replace existing water mains within the Highway Village triangular area generally bounded by Conant on the East, Rumble on the North, and Sisk Road to the Southwest. Existing water mains in this area are old, undersized steel mains that are prone to leaking and low pressures to improve system reliability, flows, and pressures.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
Replace Domestic Water Valves and Piping - Stratton VA Medical Center
Location: Albany, NY.
Brief: Renovation of a mixed-use development in Albany, New York. plans call to Replace the main domestic hot and cold water feed piping and valves in the subbasement of the hospital (building 1), Stratton VAMC
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

New Bedford Sewer Lift Station
Location: Vallejo, CA.
Brief: .Demolition, site work, paving, and new construction. Demolish the existing and construct a new sanitary sewer lift station on Old Glen Cove Road, east of Starfish Drive
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Facility
Location: Winthrop, MA.
Brief: Renovation of a water/sewer facility in Winthrop, MA.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

Encanto Improv 1
Location: San Diego, CA.
Brief: Site work for a water/sewer project. Construction of Encanto Improv 1 consists of the installation of approximately 13,439 feet (2.55 miles) of 8-inch and 12-inch sewer mains to replace existing 6-inch, 8-inch.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
Leesville North Fork Marina WWTP Improvements
Location: Carrollton, OH.
Brief: Site work for a water/sewer project in Carrollton, Ohio.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

Watkins Glen Phase I Water System Improvements
Location: Watkins Glen, NY.
Brief: Renovation of a water/sewer project.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
Kitching Street and Iris Avenue Sewer Replacement
Location: Moreno Valley, CA.
Brief: Site work for a water/sewer project. The contract work to be constructed comprises construction of approximately 2,900 linear feet of 24-inch VCP sewer along in Kitching Street and 550 linear feet of 24-inch VCP sewer in Iris Avenue.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Cost Loaded Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.

Macarthur Force Main Improvements
Location: Fountain Valley, CA.
Brief: The project will install approximately 1,870 linear feet (LF) of parallel 10-inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE) force main (3,730 LF of pipe in a joint trench), 155 LF of 18-inch vitrified clay pipe (VCP) gravity sewer, three 6-feet 6-inches by 7-feet 6-inches clean-out vault structures on the force mains.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Schedule - Monthly updates.
Palos Verdes Recycled Water Pipeline
Location: Los Angeles, CA.
Brief: Site work for a water/sewer project.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft - Preliminary Schedule - Monthly updates.

FDOT - T4605 - Resurfacing/Drainage Improvements
Location: Lake Worth, FL.
Brief: Site work for a water/sewer project
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Schedule - Monthly updates.
Ridgemoor Road Pipeline
Location: Oakland, CA.
Brief: Installation of approximately 4,200 linear feet of 12-inch PVC pipe, 200 linear feet of 12-inch CML&C steel pipe, and 175 linear feet of 18-inch PVC pipe including all appurtenances, water services, and connections to existing pipelines and services.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Schedule - Monthly updates.

Replace Pump Stations in San Joaquin County 10-1E6104
Location: Stockton, CA.
Brief: Site work for a water/sewer project. Replace pump stations. No. 29-0030W, 29-0065W, 29-0032W, 29-0118W, and 29-0146W.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
CALTRANS (07-320204) Plant Vegetation and Install Irrigation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Brief: Site work for a water/sewer project in Los Angeles, California. From 0.2 Mile South Of Burbank Boulevard Overcrossing To 0.3 Mile North Of Rinaldi Street undercrossing
Scope of Work: Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - bi-weekly Schedule updates - Schedule Control - Cost Estimation.

Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Dechlorination Facility Improvements Phase 3
Location: Oakland, CA.
Brief: Renovation of a water/sewer project. Main Wastewater Treatment Plant Dechlorination Facility Improvements Phase 3.
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.
East Bishop Drive Storm Drain Improvements​
Location: La Habra Heights, CA.
Brief: Site work for a water/sewer project. The work to be performed shall include the replacement of an existing open channel with a 72" RCP storm drain (about 570 feet).
Scope of Work: Initiating Meeting - Activity List Draft -Narrative Report - Preliminary Schedule - Baseline Schedule - Monthly updates.